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Our brand new MOT station is now open for business
Authorised MOT Centre in Rhos On Sea
MOT while you wait!
VOSA Appoved Vehicle Test Centre No.:V108480
Useful Information
Your new M.O.T. certificate and buying road tax online.
The way information is held about M.O.T. test is changing.
Records of test results will now be held on a
secure central computerised database.
This change will not affect your actual MOT test.
It will bring benefits to motorists by:
helping us to improve the consistency and standard of testing,
eliminating certificate theft and combating fraud,
improving consumer protection,
allowing motorists to relicense their vehicle online,
new style documentation.
The new M.O.T. certificate is a computer-printed document.
It is your receipt for the M.O.T. test and shows that
information that will be held on the M.O.T. database.
The M.O.T. certificate (VT20) now has a text reminder service
to remind you of the M.O.T. renewal date(.vosa does charge for the service)
The new certificate also shows if any additional work has been recomendeded.
Details of any such work are included on the m.o.t. under the Advisory section
If you need a duplicate because you have lost your m.o.t, or for any other reason al you need to do is to go to any m.o.t station with your log book (v5 document) or the number of the mot test and they will be able to issue you a duplicate m.o.t there is a charge for this (£10) for more details just follow the link below.
M.O.T. website http://www.motinfo.gov.uk/
Checking M.O.T. Status
As the proof of M.O.T. status is now held on a secure database we recommend
that you use the new internet or telephone services to obtain
and validate the information whenever you need to do so,
for example, before you buy a second hand car.
Checking the M.O.T. status of a vehicle is quick and easy,
simply visit the M.O.T. website http://www.motinfo.gov.uk/ or call 0870 330 0444
To check the status you will need the registration mark of the vehicle
and either the document reference number from the V5C
registration certificate or the test number
from the new style M.O.T. test certificate.
The M.O.T. test
The M.O.T. test checks that your vehicle complies with the
minimum standards required for lawful use on the road.
The MOT test is not a substitute for proper and regular servicing.
Passing the M.O.T. test does not mean that your vehicle will remain
safe for the following 12 months.
All vehicles need proper and regular servicing irrespective of the M.O.T. test.
More detailed information can also be found on the VOSA website.http://www.vosa.gov.uk/